Tuesday, July 15, 2008


The pictures Michelle's posting will tell the story. While she was gone, the we framed the walls for the first floor. There's one piece missing, the opening for the slider, because it was too heavy for James and me to lift. We'll need a third person.

Big wall needing third person. Anyone available?

The electricians showed up a few days ago and pulled the wire through the conduit and set up the box that'll hold the meter. Bob Fairweather of Bangor Hydro came yesterday to inspect and cleared the job for processing. In a week or so we should have something to plug into.

It's time to set the second floor joists. This will be tricky because the inconsistencies of the foundation show in the top of the wall. Now is the time to correct the problem before it ends up in the roof.

Future home of the picture window in the living room


helenesheahan said...

michael, the house looks great.can't believe you did all that in less than a week. hope all goes well with the second floor..be careful!..your mother is talking...hope to get up there the first few weeks of august to see and help with project..mom

Molly B Designs said...

now you're cookin'